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Blog / 30 Apr 2020

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Pakistan’s anti-India propaganda exposed


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Pakistan’s anti-India propaganda exposed

Topic: Pakistan’s anti-India propaganda exposed


  • Vivek Katju, (Former Ambassador)
  • Maj. Gen. Ashwani Siwach (Retd., Defence & Security Expert)
  • Jiten Jain, (Cyber Security Analyst)

Topic Description:

Recent media reports claim that Pakistan has launched a cyber warfare against India by spreading fake propaganda on alleged Islamophobia in India. The Hindustan Times reported that authorities in India have linked several social media posts that targeted India and Prime Minister Modi to Pakistan. Intelligence agencies in Pakistan have been exploiting social media platforms to fuel anti-India sentiments in the Gulf countries to put a strain on the ties of India with the west Asian countries. Earlier, Pakistan used similar tactics when certain sections of Article 370 were revoked in 2019, but failed miserably.

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Courtesy: RSTV